Protected Species Licensing

When is protected species licensing required?

Mitigation licences for European Protected Species such as bats and great crested newts should be applied for where a proposed development has the potential to result in an offence being committed. This includes, but is not limited to, destruction or modification of a bat roost,  potential harm to great crested newts through site clearance and construction works, or damage or disturbance to an otter holt or badger sett. In some cases, a Low Impact Licence may be appropriate – we can advise on this on a case by case basis, with the E3 team including consultants registered for Low Impact Class Licences for bats and call on consultants for great crested newts.

Licences may also be required for works affecting other protected species, including otter, badger and water vole.

What should you expect to happen?

Licence Applications Your project ecologist will advise you if a licence will be required as soon as possible. Licences can only be applied for once relevant permissions (such as planning permission) has been granted. A licence application can then be prepared and submitted to the relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation (Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage or Natural Resources Wales). We can prepare much of the licence application based on survey work completed, but your input will be required into agreeing a timetable of works and mitigation strategy.

Works on Site Once a licence is granted, we can provide a range of works on site to ensure that licensable work is completed in line with the licence method statement. For bats, this may include provision of a site induction to contractors and supervision of works. For great crested newts, an translocation scheme may be required, including the trapping out of amphibians using specially designed fencing and pitfall traps, in order to move newts into a receptor site that will not be affected by the works.

Monitoring Dependent on the scheme, monitoring surveys may be required following completion of works and, in all cases, a report of action will be made to the relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation, detailing the outcomes of licensable work.

What experience do E3 have?

The E3 team have considerable experience of successfully applying for protected species licences and delivering licensable works. This includes a large number of bat and great crested newt licences, as well as for other protected species. Our registered consultants for Low Impact Class Licences can advise in cases where the use of these licences will be appropriate, in order to provide you with the best service possible.